Wednesday, July 6, 2011

target questions for ophthal..

sape geram tgk baby ni angkat tgn~ haha..

this is example for questions by dr \ tharwat

1-Comp. Of diphtheritic Conjunctivitis .

2-C/P of Buphthalmus -à Symp., Signs & DD.

3-ttt of Spring Catarrh.

4-Central Retinal Artery Occlusion

5-Comp. Of High Myopia

6-ttt of Corneal Ulcer
this question should include this in the answer
General ttt + Specific ttt of each type (Herpetic-Dendritic)

this important questions written by one of our college dr\ Ahmed Ȝbdou

severe >> require massive studying = every detail is needed
moderate >> require moderate studying
mild >> require mild studying..

 1st : Conj.
Sever :
1 - spring catarhh
2 - memb. ( diphitirc ) conj. ( complications )
3 - phylecten
4 - MPC
Moderate :
1 - purulunt conj. + ophth. neonatorum
Mild :
1 - Gross anatomy
2 - Trachoma
3 - pterygium

 2 nd : Errors of refraction
Sever :
 1 - Astigmatism
2 - high myopia ( compilication )
Mild :
1 - Aphakia
2 - Anisometropia
3 - Contact lens
3rd : Retina
Severe :
1 - CRAO
2 - CRVO
3 - Diabetic retinopathy
Moderate :
1 - R.D ( Diagnosis )
Mild :
1 - R.P
2 - Hypertensive retinopathy
3 - Histology and bl. supply of retina
4 - normal fundus exam. 
4 th : Cornea
Severe :
1 - ttt of corneal ulcer ( general + each tyoe )
2 - Dendritic ulcer
3 - Keratoconous
Moderate :
1 - perforated corneal ulcer ( comp.)
Mild :
1 - Herpes zoster
2 - non - inf. keratitis ( esp. Keratomalacia )
5 th : Eyelid
Sever :
1 - ectropion ( comp. , types , ttt )
2 - Ptosis ( causes ** , ttt * )
3 - entropion ( comp. , types , ttt )
Moderate :
1 -  Lagophthalmos ( CP , comp. )
2 - Trichiasis ( CP , ttt )
3 - Chalazion
Mild :
1 - draw vertical section of upper lid and enumerate structures
2 - Symblepharon ( comp. )
3 -  Blepharitis ( types , comp. )
6 th : Uvea
Severe :
1 - acute iridocyclitis ( causes , CP , comp. , ttt )
Mild :
1 - malignant melanoma

7 th : Occular trauma
Sever :
1 - Chemical injury ( CP * , ttt ** )
2 - F.B ( effects , management )
Moderate :
1 - Comp. of blunt trauma ( very long )
Mild :
1 - Sympathetic ophthalmitis
8 th : Glaucoma
Sever :
1 - Buphthalmus ( CP , ttt )
2 - Acute congestive glaucoma
3 - 2ry open angle glaucoma ( causes )
Moderate :
1 - 2ry closed angle glaucoma ( causes )
2 - D.D of acute red painful eye
Mild :
1 -  Signs of POAG ( esp. Field changes )
2 -  anatomy of ant. chamber + aqueous  secretion and circulation
3 - management of glaucoma ( POAG , PCAG )
9 th : Lens
Sever :
1 - complicated cataract ( causes , management )
2 - congenital cataract ( types , management )
Moderate :
1 - Diff. () aphakia and pseudophakia
2 - types of senile cataracts ( table )
3 - Hypermature cataract ( diagnosis and comp. )
10 th : Neuro
Sever :
1 - causes of papilledema
2 - Optic atrophy ( causes and signs )
Moderate :
1 - Orbital cellulitis
2 - Diff. () papilledema and papillitis
Mild :
1 - Optic neuritis
2- papillitis
wish you all the best

-dahsyatkan potensi dirimu, raih prestasi luar biasa-

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