Below are the pictures that have been selected by Prof. Hany Abd El-Rahman.. 10 pictures will be selected and each question values 2 marks..the exam is on 11th January.. study hard and be prepared ok! =)
Chapter 1 : Ocular Examination
1) testing for direct and indirect pupillary light reaction
2) testing the corneal reflex
3) digital palpation of the ocular tension
4) technique of direct ophthalmoscopy
5) confrontation method for visual field testing
Chapter 2 : Eyelids
1) epicanthus
2) severe bilateral upper lid colobomas ( below epicanthus )
3) myogenic ptosis ( Myasthenia Gravis )
4) involutional (senile) entropion
5) involutional ectropion
6) chalazion
7) right LL chalazion
8) severe bilateral ectropion and conjunctival keratinisation
Chapter 3 : Lacrimal System
1) Schirmer's test
2) right acute dacrocystitis ( 2 pictures )
Chapter 4 : Orbit
1) lid retraction
2) right axial proptosis
3) bilateral proptosis ( lateral view )
Chapter 5 : Conjunctiva
1) giant papillae
2) pannus
3) bulbar vernal catarrh
4) nasal pterygium
5) subconjunctival hemorrhage
Chapter 6 : Cornea
1) Dendritic ulcer stained with fluorescein
2) geographic ulcer
3) hypopyon corneal ulcer
Chapter 8 : Uveal Tract
1) hypopyon in severe anterior uveitis
2) keratic precipitates
3) irregular pupil due to posterior synechiae ( festooned )
Chapter 9 : The Lens
1) complicated cataract
2) senile immature cataract
3) Morgagnian cataract ( inferior sinking of the nucleus )
4) dense lamellar cataract with riders
5) subluxated lens ( Marfan syndrome )
6) anterior dislocation of opaque lens
Chapter 10 : Glaucoma
1) neovascular glaucoma due to rubeosis iridis
2) rubeosis iridis
3) normal non-glaucomatous optic disc
4) early glaucomatous cupping
5) moderate cupping
6) advanced glaucomatous cupping
Chapter 11 : Retina
1) central retinal artery occlusion
2) disc oedema and macular star
3) retinitis pigmentosa with extensive pigmentary changes
4) retinitis pigmentosa with severe arteriolar attenuation and waxy disc pallor
Chapter 14 : Strabismus
1) right esotropia
2) right secondary divergent squint due to cataract
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