latest info : Evacuation from mansuora - 3rd zone where students from zagazig, tanta and surrounding areas will be gathered.
5th February from 10.00 am egypt time from Hotel New Mansoura
person to contact is ustaz saiful anwar 0020237607375 in mansoura egypt.
please inform your friends.
the students must coordinate themselves to make sure the evacuation process is smooth and not time consuming
p/s : tlong negotiate elok2 k dgn gamaah kita,,, jgn cuti lama2 sgt,, cuti lama2, nnt lambat grad plak.... :-(
-dahsyatkan potensi dirimu, raih prestasi luar biasa-
im trying..cuti sebulan ok tak??iallah..bisa diurus.. aie
sebulan!!! ha3,,, kalu sebulan, tapi jeddah-KLIA kena bayar sendiri, pikir bnyk kali gak tu,,, hu3,,, baik stay.. ataupun jalan2 jeddah ke,,,hahaha- minato
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